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Student Support

Student wellbeing and pastoral care are at the core of all teaching and learning experiences from early years to the IB Diploma, ensuring a harmonious relationship between academic life and wider school experiences. Happy, healthy children have the skills to make healthy choices, develop resilience and flourish both inside and outside the classroom. 

Moving beyond the classroom, an essential aspect of ensuring the holistic approach to student wellbeing is maintaining strong home-school relationships, and our school counsellors work closely with parents through advising or consulting on issues affecting the child’s social, emotional and academic growth. Similarly, counsellors communicate and collaborate closely school wide with all members of faculty as well as with the wider community through referral and consultation with mental health service providers as as college admissions officers. 

Counselling @ HIS

The role of the Counselling Team is to work with students, teachers, parents and outside agencies/ professionals to support the social and emotional development of students. This includes:

  • Social skills
  • Developing self-esteem
  • General goal setting and coping strategies 
  • Peer Relationships
  • Assist with college applications, jobs and scholarships 
  • Providing confidential individual counselling
  • Parent workshops according to need 
  • Consulting on specific cases with teachers or outside agencies as and when necessary 


At HIS we believe that a valuable and meaningful education is one that encompasses the whole child and aims to provide all students with the skills to become healthy, balanced, life-long learners and valuable contributors to their wider communities.