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ZiMUN is an international Model United Nations conference hosted at HIS annually in March. The event brings together local and international MUN clubs, allowing students to debate some of the world's more complex problems, using the structures and procedures of the United Nations. 

Theme: Inspiring creative change, to achieve global development

Zimbabwe Model United Nations is a three-day high-school MUN conference offering delegates the opportunity to engage in rich debate and problem-solving scenarios. In addition to this students participate in break-out sessions and events led by internationally-celebrated musicians, ethical entrepreneurs, experts in medicine, business and policy-makers.

As with all MUN conferences, our aim is to make connections and discuss relevant global issues. Model United Nations prepares the leaders of tomorrow to be sensitive, and innovative and to provide unique perspectives toward the solutions they provide for current and future generations. At conferences students develop public speaking, research, collaborative and leadership skills needed to make a positive impact on the economic, political and environmental ongoings of the world.

Learn more on the ZIMUN IX Official Website