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Harare International School has a vibrant Performing Arts department. Our performing arts is divided into Drama/Theatre, Visual Arts, Music and Film. The purpose of the Performing Arts Department is to improve student achievement in Arts education. An education in the Arts requires curricular scope and sequence and the intellectual rigor of experiential learning. Creativity is the foundation of the performing arts, inciting curiosity, imagination, courage, determination, discipline, open-mindedness, skill development and appreciation for the aesthetic.

As an IB school, we provide a continuum of international education for students from PYP, MYP and DP, promoting creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and social interactions. We use an inquiry-based approach to teaching, promoting students’ artistic development and learning.

Our aims in the performing arts department are:

  • to create and present art
  • develop skills specific to discipline
  • engage in self discovery and creative exploration
  • make purposeful connections between investigation and practice
  • understand relationships between art and their contexts
  • respond and reflect on art and deepen understanding of the world and how it works through time, place and space.

Throughout the year, the performing arts department showcase Art Exhibitions, Theatrical Performances, Music Concerts, Film Festivals. We participate and share through the Arts in our communities, developing meaningful relationships and support through the arts.

The philosopher Aristotle once said, "The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance."